Expectant Hope

Expectant Hope

Hope was waning and faith was fading. The sun was slowly setting on the Jewish nation. Far too many oppressors had subjugated them to tyranny and oppression. Greeks, Syrians, and Romans had fought for the right to rule over a patch of desert not much bigger than the state of Delaware. All so they could … Continue reading

Why All the Rage?

Why All the Rage?

I don’t know where people get the energy. I really don’t. I mean, I’m a caffeine addicted, 4 -cups-a-day coffee drinker, and I don’t possess the energy that some people seem to have. Because it takes energy to be outraged all the time. Another controversial celebrity endorses a product, “Boycott that product! If you own … Continue reading

A Proper Burial

A Proper Burial

I grew up southern. Even more significant, I grew up Virginian. The foothills of the Blue Ridge were my playground, the red clay of the Old Dominion was my sandbox, and the countless historical sites and landmarks were my classroom. I cut my teeth on the stories of the settlers of Jamestown. I can trace … Continue reading