
My 2021 Book List

It’s that time of year where I list all the books I have read since January. As always, the list is shorter than I like, but there are a few factors that contributed to that. One is a couple of the books were over 1000 pages in length. That’s not to brag, but just to … Continue reading


A Case for Remembering

Remember. It’s a command that is repeated throughout Scripture. “Remember the Sabbath.”“Remember the God who brought you out of Egypt.”“Remember my commandments.”“Remember the things of old.” The Jews had a religious system of feasts, readings, and prayers that helped them remember their heritage. These observances were repeated yearly to make up an annual liturgy that … Continue reading

The American Pharisee

The American Pharisee

What is happening? That question pretty much sums up my social media feeds from last week until now. Ever since the events of January 6, where a mob of pro-Trump supporters infiltrated the Capitol in Washington, DC, our national psyche has been hyper-agitated. Some are worried. Others are angry. Everyone has someone to blame. Conspiracists … Continue reading

Expectant Hope

Expectant Hope

Hope was waning and faith was fading. The sun was slowly setting on the Jewish nation. Far too many oppressors had subjugated them to tyranny and oppression. Greeks, Syrians, and Romans had fought for the right to rule over a patch of desert not much bigger than the state of Delaware. All so they could … Continue reading


O Come

O Come. O come and be God to us. Save us. From our shortcomings. From our insecurities. From ourselves. Rule over us. Rule over our personal kingdoms. Rule over our tiny fiefdoms. Rule over our relationships from the merely casual to the deeply intimate. Love us. When we are unlovable. When we are unable to … Continue reading